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Commuter Information

How can we help you?

If you live, work, or operate a business in Maryland, Rideshare can help you find a better ways to work.

Don’t live in Baltimore or Carroll County?

Park & Ride Lots

Meet a carpool, vanpool or transit at one of the 100+ free park and ride lots in the Baltimore Region.

Employer Programs

Promoting TDM saves employers money, attracts and retains workers, and reduces absenteeism – all while adding a free perk for workers.

Transit Options

How can we help you?

If you live, work, or operate a business in Maryland, Rideshare can help you find a better ways to work.

Don’t live in Baltimore or Carroll County?

Meet a carpool, vanpool or transit at one of the 100+ free park and ride lots in the Baltimore Region.

Promoting TDM saves employers money, attracts and retains workers, and reduces absenteeism – all while adding a free perk for workers.

Reduce the stress and expense of a solo trip with Go Smart Maryland!

Our FREE service will help you find carpool partners, a vanpool, transit, and more. You’ll not only save the time, stress, and expense of driving alone, you’ll also help reduce pollution and traffic congestion.